Warmer Days

>> 11.05.2011


First, I want to thank Rebecka from By Becka for the photo in my new blog header!  She is such a great photographer and an even better friend  :)

Well, it snowed today.  The first snowfall of the season for us.  I must say that in Utah, we were definitely spoiled with the warmer weather is year.  Although it did rain and snow until the end of June, we had a perfectly sunny October  :)  Even Halloween was amazing!

Maddie has also been gone for the past 3 days and I won't see her until tomorrow.  I really hate not seeing her every day.  I talked to her on the phone today and she seems so grown up already!  It almost made me cry.

So, in order to make me feel better (about both the weather and the absence of Maddie), I decided to post some photos of a trip we took to the park a couple months ago.  Yes, I did take all these photos and completely forgot about them until a week or so ago and they are just too cute not to share!  :)

climbing the tree :)  such an adventurer

rolling down the hill...silly girl!

she wanted a picture with her baby  :)

these ducks live in filth...yuck!

yay for cute summer sandals and dirty feet!  :)

this last photo cracks me up!  Does she know these kids?  Not at all...she's just a people person!


Erin November 5, 2011 at 6:47 PM  

She is so funny. Love her!

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