All I Want for Christmas is.....

>> 11.12.2011

Well, last year I had posted my Christmas list online and I liked how well it worked out.  My mom has been asking what I want for awhile now (trying to get Christmas shopping out of the way I guess) and every time someone asks me what I want, I can just refer them to this page without having to dig up some piece of paper or remember off the top of my head.

So, without further ado, this is what I want for Christmas this year:

1.  This headband from Sew Whimsey

2.  This white balance lens cap from the Photojojo store (52mm ring size)

3.  A gift certificate to the Sassy Designs shop

4.  A gift card to Adorama

5.  This movie.  I'm obsessed with chick flicks!  :)

6.  Seamless paper.  I'm torn between this color and this color.  Ok, and this one  :)

Now, those are all things that I want (wishful thinking, right?)  On top of that stuff, here are some things I need for my apartment:

a mop


casserole dishes

muffin tin

set of knives

Now, for Maddie's Christmas list!  Maddie is fairly easy to shop for in the sense that if you buy anything to do with superheroes, barbies, or princesses, you're golden.  But here's a few other things she doesn't know she wants until she gets them:

Cars the DVD

Cars 2 the DVD

Megamind the DVD

Baby doll accessories (i.e. carseat, playpen, etc.)


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