Easter {part 2}

>> 5.24.2011

This year for Easter, my mom found this website that tells you how to dye easter eggs using foods from around the house.  I was a little skeptical at first, but then she showed me some photos and dye-ing techniques and I knew we had to try it! (we would've anyway because she said so, but I was on board).

The colors of the eggs came out sooooo GREAT!  They looked sort of natural in a way (I say that because blue and pink eggs are not natural at all).  We also did some that had imprints of leaves and cherry blossom (of course)!
Aren't they cool?!  I think hiding them was the least fun part for me.  I had to make them easy to find for Maddie, but we only had a select few hiding spots that were perfect.  Not too easy, not too hard.  So I ended up only hiding 5 or 6 of them.   But Maddie LOVED finding them!  :)
Jessi brought Kyler a little bit after Maddie had started looking for eggs and got him all dressed up in his little suit!  How cute is he?!  Thanks Papa and Mums for their A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E Easter outfits!!!  :)
We tried getting a photo of them together, but Maddie was having a really hard time with Kyler touching her Easter basket.  She's a little territorial   ;)
They both scored big with their Easter baskets!  The Easter bunny was VERY generous  :)
After all the fun at our house, we headed over to Apey's house for another Easter egg hunt and Kira's birthday party. We had so much fun!
Maci and Maddie are like best friends!  Maddie looks forward to seeing her everytime we go over to her house.  This visit, Maci painted Maddie's nails.  They turned out soooo cute!
Aren't they the CUTEST?!
Hope everyone else enjoyed their Easter as much as we did!!!
(ps. I promise to be a better blogger....I PROMISE)


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