Easter {part 1}

>> 5.10.2011

 I know,  I know, Easter was like forever ago.....but better late than never, right?

I've recently told you about my obsession with 'photo shoots' with Maddie....and Easter was no exception.  I HAD to do a shoot.
So on Saturday, I took Maddie to an orchard.  There weren't any blossoms out (my latest obsession....more about that later) but it was still beautiful and serene.   The moment we got there, we saw SIX deer!  And they just stood there and stared at us.  It was awesome!
(you can see 4 of them in this picture)
I tried to hide some eggs for her to find but she wasn't feeling it.
(she's like "where?!")
So I got some GREAT shots of the eggs instead!  ha ha
We lasted at the orchard for about a total of 15 minutes (if that) so we took a drive for a change of scenery.  We ended up at the Farmington Pond.  It's not the typical location someone would pick for Easter photos, but Maddie loved it up there.  She loved seeing all the 'quock quocks' and a nice couple even gave her some bread so she could feed them  :)
(I don't like how grown up she looks in this photo....)
Before we went home, we stopped off at another orchard for a final attempt.  She was ok until I put the petti romper on her.....and then we were done.
Next comes part 2!  Easter Sunday  :)


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