Growing Up....

>> 4.16.2012

 My little baby sister turned 17 back on March 26th no longer making her a baby (ok, maybe she wasn't a baby for like the past 12 years, but I just can't believe she's almost considered an ADULT).  How crazy is that?  My mom is only 45...ahem....I mean 30, and 3 of her 4 children are adults with the last one not far behind.  Not to mention the 2 almost 3 grandbabies  ;)  Sorry mom, you're getting old.
Anyways, Allyssa turned 17 and she couldn't be more excited about.....being attractive.  Apparently 17 is a very attractive age  ;)  And you know what?  She's right!  This girl is GORGEOUS.

My mom made this llama hat!

ha ha and my sister in law made her this beard!  Love it, don't you?  :)

Her birthday theme was Doctor Who (which I've never seen before nor heard of until she couldn't stop talking about it.  Apparently the guy is super hot  ;)

After presents and cake, we decided to head outside for some fun and some more pictures!  :)

(no, he wasn't really grumpy, the sun was just a little bright! lol)

I swear, this girl is always posing!

Don't worry, no toddler's were hurt in the making of this photo!  ha ha

After I got some pictures of Maddie, we got a couple of Allyssa in her dress that she wore to her Junior Prom.  Isn't she gorgeous?!


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