Looking Up

>> 10.20.2011

Well, first off, I want to apologize for that last post.  I sound like a total b*tch.  I really am thankful for all those in my life right now.  I don't know where I would be if I didn't have all the love and support from my family and friends.  They are all SO amazing!  THANK YOU! ♥
I am VERY glad to say we still have a roof over our heads  :)

I still don't know what I'm going to do as far as a day job goes....who knows, I may just devote more of my life to my photography  ;)  As for now, I'm enjoying being home and spending a lot more time with Maddie.
She is saying so many more things now that just crack me up!  She's finally at that stage where she tells stories and some of the things she remembers...oh boy!  Her newest favorite?  She says "Are you kidding me?" when I ask her to do something!  Seriously?  Ha ha such a little stinker bum.

I have lots of posts coming up including my latest craft projects, photos of Maddie, and our family's Annual Halloween Party!  :)
(ps. how amazing has this weather been?!  This is the first time I can remember wearing shorts and a tank top in the middle of October!  NICE)


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