The 'Guy in the Closet'

>> 10.27.2011

I was lucky enough to have met 'JB' but I only wish I would have known him more.  37 years is not long enough to have lived your life.  You will be greatly missed by everyone especially your wife and your 4 children.  Say Hi to Grandma for me. ♥

Jay "JB" Boyd Rasmussen

April 24th, 1974 - October 21st, 2011


Looking Up

>> 10.20.2011

Well, first off, I want to apologize for that last post.  I sound like a total b*tch.  I really am thankful for all those in my life right now.  I don't know where I would be if I didn't have all the love and support from my family and friends.  They are all SO amazing!  THANK YOU! ♥
I am VERY glad to say we still have a roof over our heads  :)

I still don't know what I'm going to do as far as a day job goes....who knows, I may just devote more of my life to my photography  ;)  As for now, I'm enjoying being home and spending a lot more time with Maddie.
She is saying so many more things now that just crack me up!  She's finally at that stage where she tells stories and some of the things she remembers...oh boy!  Her newest favorite?  She says "Are you kidding me?" when I ask her to do something!  Seriously?  Ha ha such a little stinker bum.

I have lots of posts coming up including my latest craft projects, photos of Maddie, and our family's Annual Halloween Party!  :)
(ps. how amazing has this weather been?!  This is the first time I can remember wearing shorts and a tank top in the middle of October!  NICE)


Much Needed Vent....

>> 10.08.2011


I have had one hell of a month....for the past two months!  It all started when I transferred from the Riverdale Old Navy to the Layton Old Navy.  I recieve assistance from the state (ie. food stamps) and I also applied for medical assistance and financial assistance.  When someone filled out my transfer paperwork, the Department of Workforce Services thought I was terminated from my job.  They canceled all of my benefits stating that I failed to fill out the loss of job report.   I had no idea what they were even talking about!  It took a lot of running around in circles and waiting before they got everything fixed.  Maddie and I went 2 whole weeks with nothing but bread, milk, and butter in the fridge and some ramen noodles in the pantry.  Thank God my mom was able to get us that much!

Fast Forward two weeks and I recieve a notice in the mail stating that I am not eligible for financial or medical assistance because I have not been cooperating with ORS.  What?  I gave them ALL the information I know and they said that's all they needed!  And now, I'm not cooperating at all??  That means Maddie can't go to the doctor (which she hasn't been since her 2 year check up!) and of course lately she's been having problems wetting the bed and accidents during the day, so she definitely needs to see a doctor NOW.

Then I lost my day job.  Let's face it, with all the expenses that go into my photography business, there's no way I can make a living off of my photography (especially with my prices!).  So guess what?  I can't pay my rent.  But I live in subsidized housing so I went to report my change of income.  They tell me they just need to fax something over to my work (ex-work) for them to sign something and they'll recalculate my rent.  Apparently they haven't heard from my work yet and I just got an eviction notice yesterday because my rent is past due.  What the hell?!  And the best part is, it's the weekend so I can't talk to them until Monday....oh and wait!  I'm supposed to be out by TUESDAY. 

To make things even better, I have $5 in my bank account to last me until...forever.  And while doing laundry today, someone stole my sheets and blankets!  Now I have nothing to sleep on and no blankets to keep my warm....JUST when it starts to get really cold outside!  Thanks assholes!  Seriously, who does that?!

Why am I posting this?  I just thought that maybe....just MAYBE if I told everyone what was going on, things wouldn't be so bad.  I never really talk to anybody about this stuff because I think they have better things to do and who gives a shit about other people's problems?  I just needed SOMEONE to talk to and apparently around here, that's a lot to ask for.


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