Someone you didn't want to let go, but just drifted.
Oh how I didn't want this day to come. A couple of years ago, I met this guy. It was so random. I was on a family photo shoot up at Snow Basin and this guy just came out of nowhere and he was so funny and charming and ended up being our 'tour guide' for the day. After the family I was photographing left, we stayed in the parking lot for 2 HOURS just talking. We ended up dating for about 4 months. I can honestly say I've only ever been in love once (like REAL love, not like in junior high when you start dating after he passes you a note in class and then break up after two weeks. And lets face it, you never actually went out on a date with the guy.) But I was in love with this guy. We were both in positions in our lives where things were...well, complicated. We just slowly began drifting apart and we weren't happy anymore (I know...only 4's kind of depressing). Then one night we got into an argument and I just left. I walked out and that was it. I still regret it to this day because I think "what would life be like now if I stayed and we tried to fix things?" I guess I'll never know.
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