I ♥ Crochet!

>> 9.30.2011

I know SO many people who crochet and do beautiful work (including some close friends and my mom)!   I use lots of hats for newborns in my photography as well as long for some I find on the internet.  But unfortunately, most of these hats come with a heavy price tag.

So, I wanted to learn how to crochet!

I made this hat for my friend Michelle's new baby girl  :)

and then I made these for my future sessions!

But this one is by far my favorite!!

Don't you love it?!  I can't wait to use it  :)

And then I made this hat for Maddie

I love to crochet!  It's very calming and you can make some really cute stuff!!  :)


Secrets Out....

Maddie is going to be a cousin....again!
My sister is pregnant with her second and is due May 19th.
(big brother Kyler)


A Fairy Kind of Day...

>> 9.29.2011

Maddie is obsessed with her pajamas.  She is OB-SESSED.  She wears them all the time, even when we leave the house (some days I can convince her to wear regular clothes but of course I have to bribe her with toys and treats).

The other day she surprised me and said she wanted to wear her Tinkerbell outfit because "I a fairy!"

I bought her this dress a month ago from Once Upon a Child.  It's an original Tinkerbell dress from Disney World.  And I only paid $15  :)

Isn't she cute?!   :)

P.S. Did anyone notice the changes to my blog?  I figure the leaves are changing so I might as well too  :)


My Crafty Side...

>> 9.26.2011


I've had a lot more time on my hands lately and I've gotten a little bored.  I don't have money for furniture still, but I though why not liven up my walls a bit?

So, with some inspiration from blogs and pinterest, I came up with this picture holder:

Don't you love it?  I think I'm going to make another one to hang right below it  :)

Then, as a birthday present to myself, I made a couple of canvas paintings.  I got two 16x20 canvases from Hobby Lobby for $7.99 (plus I had a 40% off coupon!) as well as the bird stencil and black paint.  Then I bought a can of blue spray paint from Wal-mart.  My mom had bought some of those wall decals for her room and let me have two of the birds!  :)


Maddie Turns 3!

>> 9.19.2011

 Maddison turned 3 years old on August 7th (although I'm told all the time she looks like a 4 year old!)  Thanks to her Uncle Christopher, she wanted a superhero themed party, not a strawberry shortcake party like mommy was planning.  It turned out VERY cute though  :)
We put up signs as well as photos of superheroes (mostly Captain America and Superman).  We also had some really cool superhero tattoos that Maddie was very psyched about....everyone who came got one! (all the little kids that is...)

Maddie and I were so grateful for everyone who came!  It wouldn't have been a party without you!!  Uncle Christopher and Aunt Nat made these really cool capes...that no one wanted to wear more than 5 seconds 
 :(  Oh well!  They were cute on for those 5 seconds!

(yes, that's my daughter picking her nose....)
Then it was time for PRESENTS!  This girl is so spoiled!  She got so many cute clothes and fun toys!  I'll admit, I was a little jealous at first but then I remembered that I live with her and I get to play too!  ;)

Maddie was so luck that Captain America came to visit!  She was uber excited  :)   She even got to try on his mask and he brought her a shield of her own!  Lucky Duck   ;)


We were trying to get a group shot of the kids and Captain America, but nobody was really cooperating.  This is the best we got (and A LOT of kids are missing...)

Thanks again to everyone who came and celebrated with us!  Every year goes by so fast and we're so blessed to have family and friends around us  :)



>> 9.09.2011

Maddie got a bubbe blower for her birthday (I know, I know, I still haven't blogged her birthday...) and it's in the top 10 of her favorite toys.  Thanks Carl & Donna!  :)

After all of the bubbles ran out, she decided she wanted to go outside and take a ride on her new bike!  Thank you Papa & Mums!  :)

(saftey first!)

and then she tried to feed me pine cones  :)


Itsy Bitsy Spider...

I love her  :)



Maddie's Ramblings

>> 9.04.2011

Maddie has quite the vocabulary nowadays.   Thanks to television, books, and my mom.  Especially my mom.  Here are her latest phrases:

"I can't!  I'm busy."

"You bein a jerk!"

(thank you spongebob)

"You stoopid!"
(thank you MOM)

"I not baby, I girl!"

"I not girl, I Maddison!"

and my favorite:

"Don't see my bum!"
(even though she runs around naked about 5 times a day)


30 Day Truth Challenge {Day 9}

 Day 9
Someone you didn't want to let go, but just drifted.
Oh how I didn't want this day to come.  A couple of years ago, I met this guy.  It was so random.  I was on a family photo shoot up at Snow Basin and this guy just came out of nowhere and he was so funny and charming and ended up being our 'tour guide' for the day.  After the family I was photographing left, we stayed in the parking lot for 2 HOURS just talking.  We ended up dating for about 4 months.  I can honestly say I've only ever been in love once (like REAL love, not like in junior high when you start dating after he passes you a note in class and then break up after two weeks.  And lets face it, you never actually went out on a date with the guy.)  But I was in love with this guy.  We were both in positions in our lives where things were...well, complicated.  We just slowly began drifting apart and we weren't happy anymore (I know...only 4 months..it's kind of depressing).  Then one night we got into an argument and I just left.  I walked out and that was it.  I still regret it to this day because I think "what would life be like now if I stayed and we tried to fix things?"  I guess I'll never know.


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