30 Day Truth Challenge {Day 8}

>> 6.25.2011

Day 8
Someone who made your life hell or treated you like sh*t
There are quite a few people who immediately come to mind, but I've ultimately forgiven all of them.  One person I may not forgive is my mother's cousin's son, Michael.  When I was in 5th grade, I had to go live with my mom's cousin and his family.  I had rarely seen them so to live with them was a little strange to me.  Michael is younger than me and therefore acted like an annoying brother.  But some of the things he did were more than that.  I was in a new place, new environment, new people, and he just made sure that I would hate every last minute of living there.  So, thank you for that, Michael.  May we never live in the same house again.


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