We Are.....

>> 6.27.2011

I'm so excited (and nervous and scared and freaking out!)!!  I can't wait to move in and for Maddie to finally have her own room.  This will be the first time I've lived on my own.  Hence all the emotions!  lol

I'll only be a few cities away from my family, but I'm going to miss them so much!  At least my sister lives right up the street  :)
I'll post some pictures soon!


30 Day Truth Challenge {Day 8}

>> 6.25.2011

Day 8
Someone who made your life hell or treated you like sh*t
There are quite a few people who immediately come to mind, but I've ultimately forgiven all of them.  One person I may not forgive is my mother's cousin's son, Michael.  When I was in 5th grade, I had to go live with my mom's cousin and his family.  I had rarely seen them so to live with them was a little strange to me.  Michael is younger than me and therefore acted like an annoying brother.  But some of the things he did were more than that.  I was in a new place, new environment, new people, and he just made sure that I would hate every last minute of living there.  So, thank you for that, Michael.  May we never live in the same house again.


Zoo-rasic Park

 Last month, Maddie and I went to the zoo with our Papa and Mums. They were so kind to give us a year membership! Woohoo!
When we got there, the whole zoo was made over with a bunch of dinosaurs. Maddie didn't mind the littler ones and even liked some of the baby ones. She however was not enthused about the sounds they made.

She was even less enthused with the larger dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs or not, she still had a ton of fun! We got to see some of her favorite animals including giraffes, the tigers, turtles, birds, and MONKEYS! :)

We also got to see baby Zuri again and her mommy. Zuri looks about the same size as when we saw her last (which I thought elephants grew quicker, but I guess not.)

After getting to see all the animals, we went on the carousel, the train, and went to the gift shop!

This girl is SPOILED! ;)

We can't wait to go back soon!!


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