Opportunity of A Lifetime!

>> 3.29.2011

The title pretty much says it all ;)
I have been given the opportunity to work with one of my FAVORITE newborn photographers!  Her name is April Cooper (of April Cooper Photography), but I'm sure you've already heard of her  ;)
The only problem with this perfect opportunity is....I'm broke.  I can't afford a bus ticket let alone a plane ticket!  And she is based out of California.
So how can YOU help ME live my dream?  By making a donation to the "Get My Butt To California" Fund!!  lol

ha ha I totally just found out how to make one of these buttons! lol  Isn't it awesome?!

And here's an A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E photo of my nephew to leave you with  :)

Isn't he cute?!  Boogers and all  :)


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