Opportunity of A Lifetime!

>> 3.29.2011

The title pretty much says it all ;)
I have been given the opportunity to work with one of my FAVORITE newborn photographers!  Her name is April Cooper (of April Cooper Photography), but I'm sure you've already heard of her  ;)
The only problem with this perfect opportunity is....I'm broke.  I can't afford a bus ticket let alone a plane ticket!  And she is based out of California.
So how can YOU help ME live my dream?  By making a donation to the "Get My Butt To California" Fund!!  lol

ha ha I totally just found out how to make one of these buttons! lol  Isn't it awesome?!

And here's an A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E photo of my nephew to leave you with  :)

Isn't he cute?!  Boogers and all  :)


 Today has been EXHAUSTING to say the least.
I got about 4 hours of sleep last night, but I've gotta say...it might've been worth it!   lol
You see, Tangled came out today and K-Mart was having a special for the Blu-Ray/DVD combo so you get a free barbie doll too!  PLUS the combo pack was only $19.99! 
Well, at least it was supposed to be.
I got up bright and early and waited almost an hour and a half before they opened (I know, I'm one awesome mom!  lol).   I wasn't the first person in the store, but I got my girl her movie and her barbie  :)
Did I mention that Tangled was the second movie she saw in the theater?  And that it is now her favorite princess?  And that it's her favorite movie of ALL time?  Yeah, it's a pretty big deal.


New Blog Header Photo!

>> 3.27.2011


Ok, you've probably noticed my new header photo....so?  Whatcha think?

I know Maddie isn't looking at the camera, but I just love the emotion  :)

{p.s. My little sister took this photo!  She's taking photography classes and I thinks she's amazing!  Did I mention she JUST turned 16?}


Sweet Sixteen!

>> 3.26.2011

My baby sister just turned 16 today!

Where has the time gone?!  I bet my mom is feeling pretty old right now...ha ha   :)

I'll have to post some more pictures later, but for now, I'm all partied out!

Happy Birthday Allyssa May!!!


30 Day Truth Challenge {Day 5}

>> 3.22.2011

Day 5
Something you hope to do in your lifetime. 
Well, my list is pretty long for this one, but I guess I'll try to stick to one.  I really really really really want to go to paris and visit the Eiffel Tower!  Did I mention I REALLY want to?  Of course I would take Maddie with me and take some F-A-B-U-lous photos!  I can picture it now (pun intended)!  :)



A Day Out

>> 3.16.2011

 And that's exactly what it was.
I have an entire week off of work, and on this particular day I had both Maddie and Kyler.  So instead of being cooped up all day, I took them to the Tree House Museum in Ogden  :)
It was a BLAST!
Maddie couldn't decide where to go first!  She wanted to see it all!
They have so much fun stuff for kids there, including dress up!

Isn't my nephew the cutest?!

I agree  :)

We headed over to the castle area and Maddie got to play giant chess....

and she tried to pull the sword out of the stone (unfortunately she was not the chosen one...neither was I.)

Then Kyler got to drive a fire truck!  AND read a book at the same time!  Now how many of you can say you've done that in your lifetime?   Didn't think so.

Now, being the stinker bum she is, Maddie told me she had to got potty a mere 1.25 seconds before she actually started going.  She was right in the middle of serving Kyler and I tea and cake when she just let the river flow.   Mind you, she's been potty trained for over 2 months now (right?).  I had NO change of clothes for her.

Needless to say, we left after being there for about 45 minutes (we'll just have to go back another time).  So, what did she wear in the car on the ride home?  Kyler's pants, of course!

Doesn't she look cute in Thomas the Train?  :)

After we got home (and changed into our own clothes), we decided to spend some time outside.  It was sooo warm outside!  Just a teaser from the weather god of course, because it was pouring rain today.  Make up your mind!

Kyler drove Maddie's car for the first time....

...and loved it!

I tried to get Maddie to take a picture with me....and well, this is what I got....

ha!  love you too Maddie  :)

Ok, this girl has got the cutest little cheeks!!  She was walking around the whole time with her pants hanging halfway off her butt, and she wouldn't let me pull them up!  ha ha

After a long (and somewhat eventful) day, it was bedtime!  And it couln't come soon enough!  :)

p.s.  I hope you all enjoyed my mad photography skills with my camera phone...♥


30 Day Truth Challenge {Day 4}

>> 3.13.2011

Day 4 
Something you have to forgive someone else for.
This one is kind of tough.  But I'm going to go with:  a close friend of mine for taking advantage of our friendship.  I won't go into details, but this friend and I were really close but it ended abruptly.  She may not agree with the way things ended, but I hope I can forgive her some day.  I doubt we'll be friends again, but never say never....



30 Day Truth Challenge {Day 3}

>> 3.03.2011

Day 3
Something you have to forgive yourself for.

I would have to say jumping in too fast with my photography business.  Yes, yes, I am one of those moms who bought a nice camera and BAM! I was a photographer.  I learned my mistake very quickly, but couldn't go back.  I regret (soooo much) starting before I was ready.  I didn't even know the basics of running a business.  

Today, I'm happy where I'm at with my photography and I have come a loooong way!  There's still so much for me to learn, but what's a day without learning something new?  I hope I never stop learning (and I have a feeling I never will)   :)


One of Those Days....

>> 3.02.2011

Maddie and I have been sick  :(
Maddie had a fever of 101.2 on Saturday, but went away the next day.  But then she woke up with a cold and passed it on to me.
So we've been spending most of our days on the couch watching movies.
This particular day was "Dora" and she was L-O-V-I-N-G it  :)

Here's to hoping we get better soon!  I'm so ready for Summer and non 'sick season!'


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