Can I get a Whoop Whoop?!

>> 2.17.2011

Last week, Maddie ran out of diapers.  And there was no way I was going to run out and buy some at 9:00 at night.  I'm lazy like that.  So, that night, Maddie officially started potty training!
Her VERY FIRST night went so well!  She stayed dry from 10:00pm to 9:00am!  Can I get a whoop whoop!!
I think the hardest with potty training is staying dry through the night and going out to public places.  At least so I thought.  Maddie does soooo well with these two!  In fact, in the one week she's been potty training, she's only had 2 accidents while out and about.
All of her problems with potty training are at home, unfortunately.  In one day, she had 6 accidents.  She really doesn't like going on the potty here at home.  She's got a Dora potty seat, princess wipes, a toy catalog to browse while she's on the pot, and treats for when she goes!  Yet, she still doesn't like it!  I don't know how to get her to go consistently while we're at home.  So if any of you have any tips, please share!!  =) 
UPDATE:  Maddie is 100% potty trained!!  She's had zero accidents in a whole week (including through the night and long outings!) and she lets me know EVERYTIME she needs to go!  I'm so proud of her!  :)


Lori Romney February 17, 2011 at 6:42 PM  

Bode is just the opposite! It's like Niagara Falls during naps and bedtime and he's been potty trained at home for like 4 months! We're still working on outings. Well, not really. I just put him a diaper bc I don't want to deal with it. Way to go Maddie. :)

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