30 Day Truth Challenge {Day 2}

>> 2.26.2011

Day 2
Something you love about yourself. 
Hmm....this one is a lot tougher than I thought.  I had to REALLY think about this one.  And it came down to:  my eyes.
I don't know why, but I think it might be the color.  Sometimes they're green, sometimes they're brown.  And sometimes they are 'shit brown' as my mom calls it.  Whatever color they are, I like them!  :)
(not to mention my adorable mouse ears!)  ;)


30 Day Truth Challenge {Day 1}

>> 2.25.2011


I've seen so many others doing the "30 Day Truth Challenge" on their blogs.  It got me to thinking, "I wonder how hard it is to answer all of those questions truthfully?"  It sounds easy enough, they're just questions, right?

Well, I am going to give it a try.

So here goes.

Day 1
{Something you hate about yourself}

I could literally fill a book with all the little mundane things that I hate about myself.  But if I had to pick just one I would say my appearance.  And not the "Ugh, I'm so ugly I don't want to look in a mirror" sort of way.  I used to put so much time and effort in how I looked (even after Maddie was born),  but lately it's just like I don't give a crap.  And it shows.  Most mornings, I just wake up and brush my teeth, slap some eyeshadow on, and pull my hair back.  That's it.  I'm ready in about 20 minutes.

I wish I would take the time to look nice.  Even when I go to work, it's the same routine.  My aunt came and saw me at work a little while ago and asked me if I even wore makeup anymore...and I was! 

Here is a picture of me when I was in Jr. High.  It was back when taking pictures in the bathroom were cool (as if they weren't still cool).  I was getting ready and my sister took a picture of me.  And yes, I know, I was VERY styling!  ;)



First 'Chalk'

>> 2.22.2011

Utah has been strangely kind to us for a couple of weeks.  No snow, no rain, just pure sunshine!  Granted the highest it ever got was 50 something degrees, but that's just fine!
Maddie found her summer stash of chalk and begged to take them outside, so I let her  :)  She even let Kyler draw a little bit  :)
Kyler makes the cutest/funniest faces!  I think he looks like a little troll here  :)
(and folks, when I say little, I don't really mean little.  This boy is in no way the definition of little.  At 7 months, he weighs a whopping 22 lbs!  How's THAT for little?!)  :)
And look who has his two bottom teeth!!  He looks like such a big boy now  :)
It did start to get a little chilly, so we just headed inside to watch some movies  :)
Hope everyone else enjoyed their long weekend!!  :)


Can I get a Whoop Whoop?!

>> 2.17.2011

Last week, Maddie ran out of diapers.  And there was no way I was going to run out and buy some at 9:00 at night.  I'm lazy like that.  So, that night, Maddie officially started potty training!
Her VERY FIRST night went so well!  She stayed dry from 10:00pm to 9:00am!  Can I get a whoop whoop!!
I think the hardest with potty training is staying dry through the night and going out to public places.  At least so I thought.  Maddie does soooo well with these two!  In fact, in the one week she's been potty training, she's only had 2 accidents while out and about.
All of her problems with potty training are at home, unfortunately.  In one day, she had 6 accidents.  She really doesn't like going on the potty here at home.  She's got a Dora potty seat, princess wipes, a toy catalog to browse while she's on the pot, and treats for when she goes!  Yet, she still doesn't like it!  I don't know how to get her to go consistently while we're at home.  So if any of you have any tips, please share!!  =) 
UPDATE:  Maddie is 100% potty trained!!  She's had zero accidents in a whole week (including through the night and long outings!) and she lets me know EVERYTIME she needs to go!  I'm so proud of her!  :)


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