Light the Night Walk

>> 10.24.2010

Ever since my aunt was diagnosed (and survived) lymphoma cancer, our family has made it sort of a tradition to do the "Light the Night Walk" in Salt Lake City. It's held every year at Sugarhouse park to help the Lymphoma and Leukemia cancer societies.  It's only about a 2 mile walk, but it's a ton of fun!
It's (obviously) at night and almost everybody is holding a balloon with a little twinkling light inside.  Not to mention how cool our team looked with our awesomely hip glowstick necklaces!  

be jealous

We got together before the walk started so we could have a picnic dinner and catch up!  Mums makes like the BEST food you could ever eat, and today was no exception.  She made a southwestern corn chowder, and it.was.amazing.  Now how's that for a picnic?!  
After we finished eating, we headed down to the duck pond to give them our leftover croissants.  They weren't a big fan of them, but we sure were a fan of theirs!

trying to call them over

Possibly my favorite of my brother and Maddie

My cousin Maci tought Maddie how to do a cartwheel!  She's still got a few things to learn, but she's close, right?  :)

We didn't get a photo of our whole team this year (it got darker a whole lot faster than it did last year!).  Our team name this year was "the Bench Warmers."  I don't remember our name last year, but I assure you it was equally as cool  :)

The following pictures I got off of our Mums' facebook:

Near the end...or should I say the beginning, April tripped while walking up the hill and fell into the curb.  She hurt herself pretty badly

They called for a wheechair and patched her up

And she finished the walk!

"Our team may be small and we don't raise a lot of money, but we are fun to watch!"

Thanks Papa and Mums for inviting us!!  Can't wait to do it all again next year!  (minus the little mishap)

And here's just a little snapshot of our team last year


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