2 year check up!

>> 9.28.2010

Maddie finally had her 2 year check up (I know, a month and a half late).  It was a loooong wait but a short visit!  She did make a few friends in the waiting room though.  Not with the other kids, but their parents!  lol

She got two shots and she still needs one more in a couple of weeks (they didn't have it yet!).  She cried for all about 30 seconds, but she was ok after she got her "bob bob gummies."  I'm so proud of my big girl!

Her stats:

weight: a whopping 32 lbs!!  (93rd Percentile)

height: 36.5 inches (92nd Percentile)

head circumference: 18.75 (48th Percentile)

And when I say "my big girl" you know I mean it!!  :)


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