10 Things I Love About You

>> 7.22.2010

1.  I love the way you give me kisses only when you feel like it, and wipe it off immediately afterwards.

2.  I love how you run out of your room and say "hi!" when you know you're supposed to be in bed.

3.  I love how you say "Bob-Bob," "Ball," and "Bubbles," exactly the same  :)

4.  I love when I change your diaper and you say "ew."

5.  I love how you want me to kiss your owies better and are always eager to kiss my owies too.

6.  I love how you can have 3 baths in one day and still go to bed with black feet.

7.  I love all of the funny faces you make, especially the ones you make when you get excited.

8.  I love when we leave the house and so many people tell how cute you are and some of them even want to take your picture!

9.  I love how excited you get when "Bob-Bob" comes on t.v. and how you can hear the theme song in a whole different room.

10.  And most of all, I love you for being you!! ♥


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