Summer of O'ten

>> 7.29.2010

This Summer has been GREAT!  The only downside is that it has gone by way too fast :(   It's almost time for back to school and for the leaves to start changing....but lets not depress ourselves!  We still have a few weeks left and I'm determined to make them the best 3 weeks of the whole Summer!

Starting with Watermelon :)

Can you believe that this is the first time we've had watermelon ALL Summer long?  It's only like my favorite Summer treat!! 

Maddi was unsure about the watermelon at first and I had to hold it for her.  But then she realized how delicious it was and couldn't put it down!


I dare you to name one Summer treat that is better than WATERMELON!!

(how is your mouth not watering right now?!)

We also had Madelyn over to play  :)   She has such gorgeous blue eyes and the cutest "pinch me" cheeks!

And how cute is this little girl?

She was doing so good smiling for me!  I loved it :)  But (as to be expected) she got a little bored and I got more shots of this...

We're definitely not ready to say goodbye to Summer, but when the time comes, it will be dearly missed :(  So, so long for now, we've got the rest of our Summer to soak up!  :)


10 Things I Love About You

>> 7.22.2010

1.  I love the way you give me kisses only when you feel like it, and wipe it off immediately afterwards.

2.  I love how you run out of your room and say "hi!" when you know you're supposed to be in bed.

3.  I love how you say "Bob-Bob," "Ball," and "Bubbles," exactly the same  :)

4.  I love when I change your diaper and you say "ew."

5.  I love how you want me to kiss your owies better and are always eager to kiss my owies too.

6.  I love how you can have 3 baths in one day and still go to bed with black feet.

7.  I love all of the funny faces you make, especially the ones you make when you get excited.

8.  I love when we leave the house and so many people tell how cute you are and some of them even want to take your picture!

9.  I love how excited you get when "Bob-Bob" comes on t.v. and how you can hear the theme song in a whole different room.

10.  And most of all, I love you for being you!! ♥


4th of July Madness

>> 7.07.2010

My favorite Holiday is BY FAR the 4th of July.  The sweet smell of barbecues, the get-togethers with family, parades, games, painted faces, and the best part?  FIREWORKS!!

This year, we had no plans whatsoever, as well as NO MONEY!  But we somehow managed to see a parade, go see fireworks, go swimming, and grill up some yummy burgers!

Because we live in Utah, we make our own rules!!  Since the 4th was on a Sunday, we celebrated on the 3rd and 5th.   We didn't do anything on the 3rd, except watch a few fireworks ;)

We are so very lucky to live in crummy apartments that are right across the street from the high school where the fireworks are!  lol  :)   My mom was able to watch them from her recliner with the blinds open (because she's very into Holidays and celebrates in her own way).  Maddie and I however, went outside to enjoy them and I got the chance to take my first fireworks pictures!!  What do you think?

The next day was the 4th!  The actual holiday and we had nothing to do!!  I decided to not sit on my butt all day (which is rare) and I took Maddie to the park.  It was a beautiful day outside so we took her little bike and I pulled her along.  Half the time she wanted to do it by herself, or she just didn't want to ride it at all!

She eventually gave up with the bike so we headed to the playground

Don't you just love our matching flag tank tops?!

The next morning, I took Maddie to the Layton parade.  And this wasn't just ANY parade, it was Maddie's very 1st parade!!  She was totally diggin' it  :)

Later that afternoon, we randomly decided to hit the pool!  This time Gammie, McEm, and Jayden joined us!  Maddie also debuted her 3rd swimsuit of the season :)

Maddie wowed us with her swimming skills!   The girl's not even two yet and she was floating in the water with just her little arm floaties just kicking away :)

She also scared the crap out of her Gammie when she wanted to jump in from the side of the pool!

Then we dried off outside while Maddie and Jayden played with ice on the ground

Later that night, we dragged everybody out to the Layton fireworks show and I got try some more shots!  This is only the second time we've been to Layton, but they know how to please a crowd!  It took us forever to get home because it was soooo crowded!   But for me, it was well worth it :)


Happy 4th of July!

>> 7.04.2010

Unfortunately, we didn't get to go to the parade or do any fun activities yesterday, but we did get to see the Clearfield fireworks from our front step!  I had planned on going to see them, but I wasn't feeling good.  We are going to go swimming today and tomorrow we will go to the Layton parade and hopefully we can make it to the Layton fireworks!

Hope everyone has a fun and SAFE 4th of July!! :)


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