Oh Maddison...

>> 8.29.2011

I'm SO glad you're home  :)


Captain America!

>> 8.19.2011

Someone turned three....tear*

And guess what the theme was?

I'll post more later  :)


Settling In

>> 8.05.2011

Wow, it's been awhile since I've posted....

We're still trying to settle in (I know it's already been a month).  The only room that looks as if anyone lives in it is Maddie's room.
There's a lot of little DIY projects I've got planned, but so far her's is the only one with furniture! lol

This her new bed...I plan on sanding it and painting it white.  Can you believe we found this at the DI for $20?!

I found this vanity at the DI a few months ago for about $20.  I just want to paint over the flowers and clean the mirror.  I'm also fixing up the drawer that goes in the front.  I'm putting a new nob on it as well as some floral paper on the inside.

The only 'finished' part of her room is her dresser!  lol   Thanks to my sister-in-law for the adorable wall art!  She also made a name board with knobs!  I'll have to take some photos of it later  :)  A lot of the knick-knacks on her dresser used to be mine when I was a little girl!  Now I just need to get some photos in those empty frames!  ;)

I just have a bed and a nightstand in my room...nothing special and kind of empty.  I'm still looking for a couch or dining set, so if you know of anyone looking to get rid of theirs, let me know!!

I'll post more pictures as we start to 'unpack' more  :)  I am loving our new home!


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