Forgotten Photos

>> 4.25.2011


I'm a little obsessed with taking Maddie's photos.  And I don't mean just picking up my camera and snapping away.  I mean full on "organized-you're going to wear this dress and this headband-curl your hair-drive to a location" photo shoot.  Yeah.

Sometimes this ritual happens 2 or 3 times in a month.   And sometimes I forget about them until I go to process a client's photos and I have 100+ photos of Maddie that have yet to be looked over.

It's an addiction and yes I am seeking help.

In the meantime, enjoy these forgotten photos  :)



Allyssa's Sweet Sixteen

Ok, so I promised this post awhile ago (afterall, her birthday was on March 26th!) but I lied and I'm a slacker.  But I'm doing it now!
My baby sister is finally 16 and is now dating and driving...Say WHAT?!?!
We had a blast at her birthday party!  And it was at their new house!  I can describe their house in one word: Amazing!!  Loved every  room, knook, and cranny.

On the menu was taco salad (which is my new favorite thing), homemade chips, and olives, olives, olives.  Yummo!

(yes, she is like this 24/7.....and s.i.n.g.l.e!  Let me know if you want her number!!  lol)

Kyler was a little hungry for something else.

Then it was time for presents!  I chose the lazy way and put the photos in a collage.  There were just too many.  Let's just say this girl is spoiled (but in a good way!!)  :)

She also got a desk, a desk chair, and an ipod touch.

Also, whenever someone in our family turns 16, they get a ring with their birthstone from Papa and Mums.  And it's 100% real....not that fake $10 Fred Meyer crap....REAL!  :)

After the wave of presents was over, we headed outside to play....ok, who am I kidding.  I wanted to take some photos!!!

Then we went to see the horses!  I LOOOOOVE horses!! :)

Happy Birthday Allyssa!!!  We love you!!  :)



30 Day Truth Challenge {Day 6}

>> 4.07.2011


Day 6
Something you hope you never have to do.

Oh boy, I've been dreading this one.  There are A LOT of things I hope I never have to do.  I hope I never have to break someone's heart.  I know what it feels like to be in love with someone who doesn't love you back....and it totally sucks.

I haven't really dated anyone for awhile and I don't intend to.  For now, I'm content with just Maddie and I.  I don't see myself being with anyone for a long while.  All I need is my goose  :)


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