Mother Nature

>> 1.17.2011

 My goose will be gone for a few days and I have no idea what I'm going to do with myself.  Is it bad to say that I'm looking forward to a little alone time?   :)
I'll probably just end up making a bunch of bows this week.  Check out my photography blog to see how you can win this headband!  :)
So, this happened like literally 5 minutes ago.  I was sitting here at my computer and all of a sudden, it got really red outside.  So I grabbed my camera and headed out for a few quick shots.  These are all SOOC shots.  I did not edit them at ALL!  :)
Isn't Mother Nature just beautiful and amazing?!?!?!  I'm so proud to live in such a beautiful state!  :)


Cake and Pringles

>> 1.08.2011

Time seems to be flying by faster than usual.  I seriously feel like Christmas is just around the corner instead of already over.  Seriously.

I also feel like because time isn't going to wait for me to catch up, I'm missing out on all the little things with Maddie.  So on my day off, Maddie and I had a day to ourselves!

She got a play-doh cake set for Christmas and she begs me to play with it EVERY.DAY.  But it's a real pain in the butt to set up, make a mess, and clean it up.  I don't think Santa thought that one through.  But, nevertheless, it's her favorite so we had to play it.


And then she found the can of Pringles.  I swear that girl is addicted to those!  She can finish a whole can in ONE day!

She is such a silly goose!!!

I ♥ you Maddie!!!


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